Monday, October 23, 2017

G12 National Conference 2017 - Day 1 Review Part 1

G12 National Conference 2017 - Day 1 Review Part 1

Finally, this is the day that I've been waiting for! Truly the annual G12 National Conference is really a must for everyone who wants to be immersed more in the G12 vision. The first day of the conference which is for the pastors and leaders was held at PICC today, October 23, 2017. And I can say that I am really blessed and challenged by God to move on to my next level. The following are my learnings from each topic.

Topic 1  - Pastor Art Sepulveda

He gave emphasis on the importance of a father or husbands in preservation of families. There is a

great impact on what the society would be if there is an absence of the father role in a family. It is not only important that a family has a father physically but it is even more important that the role of a father which God has established should be visible. The love, care, guidance, discipleship and good the husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing.More to that, husbands should be all out in their love for their wives exactly as Christ did for the church - a love marked by giving, not getting. In summary, because God purposed in his heart to raise families, it is important that the image of being a father should be restored in the heart of every men in order to produce a better society.
example should be available to the wife and the children. Marriage works in God's way so every marital relationship should be patterned according to how God designed it to be. Otherwise, we will only have imitation marriages if we don't go back to the original. The commitment of a couple should be founded in the Word of God. In doing the vision, it is very important to be intentional in family formation because that is what the vision is all about. Discipleship is restructuring a culture of society by changing one person at a time. And discipleship is what the world hungers for because it breaks purposelessness of an individual. In Ephesians  5:25-28, The Message Bible version says that

Topic 2 - Pastor Bert Pretorious

The theme of his message revolves around Philippians 1:1-11. I learned that like Paul, whenever we think of the disciples whom God has entrusted to us, we should give thanks to God. And whenever we pray for them, we should be filled with joy and not with fear, doubt or pressure. Another point that was mentioned is that we cannot disciple people whom we don't believe in. Like what Philippians 1:6 says, we should have faith in God's work that has began the life of our disciples and be confident that He will bring it to completion. So in discipleship, it is important that we have faith in our people for us to unleash them to their potentials.

What is the command? It was mentioned in Matthew 22:37-39 that we should love God and love people. And how should we love God? It was mentioned in Matthew 28:19-20 that we should go and make disciples of all nation and part of our mission is to teach them to obey everything Christ has commanded us which falls back to loving God and loving people. As we continue in this cycle, we are considered remaining Christ's love. Meaning, if we are not doing the vision, we are not remaining in the love of God. Just as how Christ revealed to His disciples everything He have heard from the Father, we should also do the same by making disciples.

I still have to add four more topics to share for day 1 but I already lack time because I still have to sleep early tomorrow for day 2. I'll add them tomorrow as well as the other new topics that I will learn. I'm praying for everyone who will attend to receive more to make a bigger impact as light of the world.

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