Monday, January 29, 2018

7 Steps in Making Plans to Achieve Your Goals

As the eldest child in a family of ten siblings, as a cell leader and a leader in our church, I have lots of goals to be mindful of this year. And by this time, I realized how important it is to set your goals clearly and be intentional in making a strategy on how to achieve those goals.

Below, I would like to share these simple steps on how I was able to be make sure that there is a progress everyday towards those goals and might work in you, too :)

1. Make a list of your major goals for the year.
       In making goals, I divide them into these categories: Family, Ministry, Finances and Career. I used Trello in listing down my major goals by adding each category as list and adding cards to each list as I go along.
2. Identify the phases of your progress per month or per quarter.
       This will help you narrow your focus and not to be overwhelmed much by the details that you need to think of for the whole year. I simply used Excel to lay down the things that I expect to happen per month.
3. Make a habit of weekly planning by writing them down.
        I used to do it every Sunday evening and prepare the things that I need to do from Monday until next Sunday. I'm using a thin booklet instead of a planner so that I can carry it wherever I go. I'm also using Asana in defining my tasks for the week to have a better view of my weekly calendar. I also love to create projects per category and list down the tasks I have in mind in each project before I make a schedule when to do them. I only choose to schedule tasks that I think I would still have enough time to do and schedule the other less important tasks the next week. Here, it is important to learn how to prioritize.
4. Review your weekly and daily goals every morning.
         Here I learned that it is very important to wake up early and start reviewing your goals early before you do anything else. In this way, you'll have a better perspective of what to do within the day.
5. Check those to do lists whenever you're done.
6. Review your achievements for the day and celebrate.
7. Repeat the process in step 4 to 6 until you see progress in achieving your major goals.

I hope these simple steps will help. But please note that these steps are also still subject to improvement as I go along the journey of achieving my goals and I hope that you, too. Thanks!

Book Reading Notes: Guidelines to Help Us Add Value to People

In my pursuit of personal growth, I was reading the book of John Maxwell about the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and found these great points to share

Guidelines to help us add value to people:

1. Truly value others
-"Effective leaders go beyond not harming others, they intentionally help others. They must value people and demonstrate that they care in such a way that their followers know it."

2. Make ourselves more valuable to others
- "Adding value to other people depends on the idea that you have something of value to add."
- "The more intentional you have been in growing personally, the more you have to offer."

3. Know and relate to what others value
- "Inexperienced leaders are quick to lead before knowing anything about the people they intend to lead. But mature leaders listen, learn and then lead."

In these guidelines, I learned how important for us leaders to give help and show genuine care to the people we lead. It is also important to impart something to them to help them to grow and be developed. Moreover, the most important way to lead them is to listen first on them and learn about what they value in life so that we can connect and lead them correctly. I learned that leading people is about helping others win.